Faes Farma – a Spanish pharmaceutical company headquartered near Bilbao – is using a Syrris Asia Flow Chemistry System to develop novel synthesis pathways for new and existing APIs. Dr Pablo Morán, a Chemical Innovation Scientist in the company’s R&D department, explained: “We are interested in using flow chemistry to allow us to perform reactions that would be too dangerous in a batch set-up, because they are either very exothermic or involve highly corrosive media.”
“We acquired a Syrris Asia system in early 2018 with the aim of developing a new synthetic pathway for an existing API. We were quickly able to set up the Asia system to perform this study, rapidly working through numerous conditions and concentrations. It is straightforward to control the various modules either directly or, for more complex experimental set-ups, via the PC software. We have also been able to introduce a number of third-party devices to the continuous flow process as required. This gives us the flexibility to accommodate almost any synthesis process, and we will certainly be exploring this option for the development of new synthesis pathways in the future. It’s a useful tool to have,” Pablo concluded.
For more information on Asia Flow Chemistry System, visit: www.syrris.com/product/asia-flow-chemistry/