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  1. 非公開: Kitchen sink

    This is the body copy. It is the first text on the […]
  2. Atlas Flasks and Vials

    A range of essential tools for small scale chemistry in round bottom flasks and vials, providing fine control and enabling chemists to be more productive.
  3. Asia プレミアムシステム

  4. Syrris ーより多くの化学を可能にする

    当社の製品は、プロセス開発、創薬化学、反応熱量測定、結晶化およびプロセススケールアップなどの用途で、 […]
  5. Free software makes chemistry automation easy

  6. Automated Reagent Injector Module

    Benefit from advanced reaction optimization and library synthesis in a tiny footprint, with the Asia Automated Reagent Injector.  Automated aspiration of reagents under inert conditions, pre-pressurization of samples up to 20 bar, and a range of racks for vial sizes up to 40 mL.
  7. R&D

    Syrris has been developing chemistry equipment for […]
  8. Japan Roadshow

    Syrris winter Japan roadshow
  9. About us

  10. Asia post-synthesis modules for flow chemistry video

    Syrris Asia post-synthesis modules for flow chemis […]
  11. Applications

  12. 非公開: Syrris to preview Titan continuous processing scale-up system at P-MEC

    Syrris, a world leader in chemistry process innova […]