A Chemisens Calorimeter is helping researchers at Germany’s Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces to quantitatively evaluate polymerization reaction profiles and accurately determine endpoints.

Klaus Tauer, Leader of the Department of Colloid Chemistry’s Heterophase Polymerization – Polymer Dispersions Group, explained:

“We do a lot of fundamental research, studying the heterophase polymerization processes used to produce latexes. We rely on a Chemisens Calorimeter for this work, using it almost daily for three main purposes; heterophase polymerizations, to follow reaction kinetics, and as a tool for polymer synthesis. Particle nucleation is a crucial step in heterophase polymerization, and we can detect its onset using the instrument. It is also a useful tool for measuring the heat of polymerization, as well as the reaction rate and overall profile, which is very important in reaction kinetics.

We chose the ChemiSens Calorimeter for its sensitivity and flexibility. It gives us very reliable, reproducible data, and is easy to use – which is essential when you are teaching students about calorimetry. Once a piece of equipment has been installed in the laboratory and staff have become familiar with its operation, you will keep it for as long as it continues to fulfill your needs. This is definitely the case with the Chemisens Calorimeter. We have had the system for over 20 years now, and are extremely happy with it.”

Syrris Chemisens Calorimeter Product Shot
A photograph of a chemists assembling a Syrris Chemisens Calorimeter

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